Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What is it? (03/16/16)

You are not allowed to scroll to the bottom of this post. Nope. I see your finger on the mouse, just itching to scroll, but you aren't allowed. Don't do it! It's for your own good.

Great. Now I have to fill space so you can't accidentally see it if you glance down.

Eh. No problem. I write a lot anyways.

Remember... no scrolling.

Also, page down (as you read) very slowly. Make sure you stop right after the paragraph that ends with the word "reading".

Side note: This is another great example of why the word thing should be allowed in school writing. (If you didn't notice, the word "thing" in the previous sentence is a hyperlink to where I shared my defense of using the word "thing" in school writing.)

So there's this thing... and I'm sure you've heard of it... It's really annoying. Those who have it are bothered by those who don't have it, but those who don't have it don't mind not having it. The more you age, the more of it you seem to get, although it may reach a minimum point around your pre-teen and teen years. Who you are determines how much of it you have. More often than not, it's easier to sense when someone doesn't have it compared to when they do. 

So you probably think you might know what it is... Let me give you a hint: It is not a concrete thing. You cannot see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, or hear it. You can sense what it does, but not this thing itself.

Note that when I say that someone "has" or "doesn't have" this thing in question, I don't mean that it's a single trait that only some people acquire. Everything works on a scale. Whether or not you have a significant enough amount to say that you "have" or "don't have" this thing is all relative. It's just easier to write it this way.

Here's where it gets weird: There are two forms of it, and they seem contradictory. If a person has this thing, they are called the same as when a nonliving thing (I don't want to say "object" because it's not quite like that) contains something that would appeal more to people who don't have it. That's like calling both a bowl of ice cream and the sun "cold". As soon as you know what it is, though, this might make more sense.

Think you know yet?

Ha ha ha ha! All the people who decided to scroll to the bottom of the page will be disappointed because I won't tell you the right answer at the bottom of the page! The answer will be in the comments. Feel free to add what you thought it was as you were reading. 

A hippopotamus. Confused? Read a paragraph above this. Then start at the beginning again. No more cheating for you.

1 comment:

  1. Drumroll please... the answer I was looking for is: Maturity. People who are mature are bothered by the immature, but the immature don't seem to care as much. A book, videogame, or movie may be called mature, but those who would enjoy it most are the ones who don't have enough maturity to not be amused by the mature event happening. The reason they rate something as "mature" is that there are two types of maturity: amount/lack of innocence (ex. 6 yr old vs. grandparent) and amount of pleasure in a lack of innocence (the average middle and high school boy is probably the most relatable example here, not to say that males of other ages and females aren't immature in this sense, too). Those who are less innocent and more mature in the first respect are the audience of the type of entertainment, although those who are much more mature in the second respect wouldn't enjoy it as much. I apologize for the length and the confusion, and I hope you enjoyed the challenge.
