Monday, March 28, 2016

Dictionary (03/28/16)

dictionary: n. a book that contains many words with their definitions (can also be found online instead of paper copy)
definition: n. a phrase or group of phrases that describe the meaning of a word or occasionally group of words

Here is a compilation of all the words with definitions that I have personally defined (at least, that I can find)  from my experiences in Slicing: (date order, not alphabetical; left in original formatting, including font)

alter: vb. to make different” (March 14, 2014)

"hipster: [hip*ster] 1. n. a person who wants to be against the flow of culture; thinks differently than others for the purpose of being different ant. mainstream 2. adj. when an object describes or represents a person who is called a hipster
****The dictionary definition was self made and therefore may contain formatting errors. Apologies to all of the Grammar Nazis out there." (March 4, 2015)

"general distaste: [jen*er*ul dis*tast]. n. a concept unknown to most people these days. Occurs when someone dislikes something but is not necessarily being cruel about it
hater: [ha*ter]. n. a term for someone who is cruel or has a strong distaste to any idea, person, place, or thing. Often used as an insult. see hate, hateful
heckler: [he*kler]. n. a term for someone who calls out in a crowd to say something mean to/ about the person speaking to the crowd." (March 12, 2015)

"detail:[dee*tayl] 1. n. an intricate component of an object, usually too small to be noticed at first glance 2.v. the action of giving an object details see detailed, in detail, detailing" (March 24, 2015)

"lonely: [lown*lee] 1. adj. when any sentient being feels unconnected from all other sentient beings; an emotion of wishing for no longer being separated 2. adj. when a sentient being is without a mate, usually increased when those around the being do have mates 3. adj. when a sentient being cannot relate to any other sentient being around; the feeling of being left out, even within a crowd of many (Even though there were thousands of people at the concert, Alexa was lonely because none of her friends wanted to come with her.) alone, lonesome," (March 26, 2015)

"power: [pa*wur] 1. n. scientific word for amount of work done per time unit 2. n. when someone can influence someone else because of trust, owed favors, pre established authoritative positions, promises, or blackmail; can be the result of direct or indirect interactions 3. n. the ability to do something 4. v. to produce an object’s energy powerful, empowertrust: [truhst] 1. n.  the belief that someone/something is not going to abuse the powers you have given them enough that you are willing to give more 2. v. to give someone/ something your trust 3. n. a term used often in banking that relates to companies and corporations trusting, trusted, trusts, trustee, mistrust" (March 27, 2015)

Nerd alert: I like writing definitions. I think they're a great idea for beginning a Slice or other writing because they either explain words that my audience may not know or put an idea into a different light. Once you have the idea, sometimes you can use it almost like a thesis statement, returning back to different points or parts of a list as you write. Other times, it just helps you condense your thoughts into one short blurb so that people know exactly what your writing is about.

Try it next time you write. Your definitions don't have to be as precise or as lengthy as those in the giant Webster you probably have collecting dust on a shelf somewhere. (Admit it... you know it's there!) They just have to be yours, and they should be fun to write. This way of starting has served me well, and it hopefully can do the same for you.

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